1. ⭐️Be an Early Bird no snoozing till 10am, the beasts will be awake, need tending (Every. Single. Morning)
2. 🐮Have A genuine love of animals in all their glory, they’re a big responsibility.
3. ⚡️The ability to embrace chaos, even with the best management, animals escape, storms wreck planting, equipment breaks down
4. ⭐️The ability to embrace mess, formal gardeners look away! Free- range chickens and neat garden beds don’t go together.
5. 🍀An appreciation of nature and the outdoors, enjoy being outside, in all weathers
6. 🐓Barn and chicken coop cleaning skills, those cute photos on social media of animals snuggled in clean straw, eating from shiny clean dishes? That takes work, there’s a lot of shit shovelling behind the scenes.
7. ⏰Time! Don’t under estimate how much time and energy it takes to keep it all functioning well. Are you up for it?
8. 🏠Reliable Pet/House sitters on speed dial or you’ll never go away
9. 🧑🌾An ability to ask or pay for help, can’t do it all on your own, you just can’t
10. ⭐️Energy The jobs are never ending. If you find yourself exhausted or resentful maybe time to rethink this lifestyle or embrace number 9!