Chapter 15. Rescue and Release

Rob and I have given homes to many animals over the years, I was once accosted by a stranger at the local IGA, “ah you’re the Noahs Ark people, so many animals in pairs at your place!” It was true!😆

2 mini- Italian Grey hounds
2 sheep (fat)
2 geese
2 turkeys
Multiple bantam chooks
Oh and a friendly peacock

Our own petting zoo.

The peacock (long gone now) would often fly up on the deck, display its magnificent feathers then shit on the hand rails and was often seen strutting up the animal- hating neighbours driveway, presumably shitting on theirs too. It also had a distinctive raucous call which Rob found charming, me not so much.

Along with the petting zoo we managed everyday life, work, home, acreage, little kids and with no family nearby the chaos was all ours (both our parents spent many long holidays with us, always such a wrench when they left😩😔)

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Chapter 4. The Big Tree House

I’ve always been a bit of a tree hugger, love the rainforest, the eucalyptusy smells, the birdsong, the silence.

Neighbours within poking distance is not my preference, i love people but like choosing when I interact and Rob, well he prefers animals! 😆

I’m used to the drive home from work, nose to tail traffic, petrol fumes, tradies driving up my arse. All worth it 40 minutes later when I park under the tree in front of the house, swing the car door open, feel my nervous system go aaaaaah soon as feet touch the ground

Moving entire countries, buying land, building a home together was a challenge, many “aah, that’s what we should have done” moments since. 🤦‍♀️

Continue reading “Chapter 4. The Big Tree House”