Chicken Owning FYI

Family favourite

Owning a few chickens, how hard can it be?

Give em seed, leftover greens, fresh water, shelter, plenty room to do their thing then sit back and enjoy.

Watch the interactions, the scratching, dust bathing, sun baking, listen to the cute clucking. Therapy pets in your own back yard. Delightful 😊

The eggs taste better than any shop bought (do they🤔) bright yellow yolks a contrast to their anaemic supermarket friends

That’s the good stuff, but beware …

Free-ranging chooks and tidy garden beds don’t go together. No shouting when they dig up the nasturtiums.

Free- Rangers can ‘disappear’ then turn up three weeks later with many cute fluffy chicks in tow.

Chicks grow fast, guarantee half will be roosters

Roosters crow at 3am, the neighbours will hate you

The smaller the rooster, the nastier

A mean little rooster flying at you with harmful intent doesn’t feel nice, even if he’s only 20cm tall, you’re allowed to scream

No one wants yer roosters even the big handsome, gentle ones

No one 🤷‍♀️

Gentle Brahma Rooster

Chickens poop a lot

Behind the scenes of that cute photo of the perfect straw nest with the perfect eggs is an ongoing poop cleaning and coop sorting show. Can you be bothered?

Advice to former self who didn’t know she’d be living on a freakin chicken farm🙄 invest in practical easy to clean chicken tractor or build well-designed chicken palace like the neighbours.

Snakes love eating yer chickens, course they do 🤷‍♀️ dig that coop wire deep into the ground or prepare for the sight of a content python curled up in a nest box, chicken bulge in it’s middle or even more confronting, catch it mid murder😩

Chooks coming indoors to say hi might seem cute at first but quickly becomes a cleaning pain in the arse. No chickens in the house 🙅‍♀️ Off ye go! Oot!

Chickens get mites

An ongoing situation.

Mites like living on humans 😩

Just saying

Be prepared

Also chickens = Rats = Inevitable

Control of these disgusting creatures another ongoing situation

Sick chickens on death’s door can look the picture of health


Sick barely able to stand chickens CAN be nursed back to health, especially family favourites

Cute fluffy breeds have health issues

Like eating chicken? Butchering and eating your own should, in theory, be doable.

Research humane quick procedure, discuss with willing family members. Hide with headphones on while the actual deed is done

Help enthusiastically with plucking and prepping and pretend to enjoy eating

At the very least don’t buy or eat meat from tortured chickens or eggs from battery hens, just don’t do it

Love yer chooks, if you own them you must 🐣🐥🐔

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