23yrs ago today, 7am Rob and I hit rush hour traffic, me in full – on labour, waters having broken the night before, two weeks early!
Don’t remember much about the journey but singing Christmas carols loudly at the height of each contraction😆 and talking to my mum and dad in Scotland
Into the birth centre, midwife Karen already there, I paced and paced, didn’t want to be touched or massaged. Essential oils and calming music? Haha nope, way too late for any of that.
The wanting to vomit, the little catch in the throat, the unmistakeable urge to push, the realisation, omfg no one can do this but me😩
Into the pool, primal birthing woman activated no calm or control, screaming, swearing with each push then apologising mortified after each one (who was that crazy woman?) 😆
Then at 1058hrs exactly, out flew gorgeous water baby George, worth every single contraction 💕
Happy Birthday son and well done me! 💪🏻😉😆
P.S. Every woman who’s birthed a baby/babies should remember how awesome they were, no matter how that baby arrived in the world, the inductions, the premmies, the Caesar’s, the forceps, remember to congratulate yourself! 💪🏻😉😉